Various Shooting Functions
• Ifthefollowingfunctionshavebeensetinthe[Shooting]menu,andthecorrectexposurecannotbe
obtained for the aperture value/shutter speed set in Av/Tv/TAv modes, the camera will automatically
adjust the settings to obtain the correct exposure.
• Av [Auto Aperture Shift]
• Tv [Auto Shutter Speed Shift]
• TAv [Shutter/Aperture Auto Shift]
• InMmode,theX/Y button cannot be used for exposure compensation. When the X/Y button
CustomOptions]menu,youcanselectthepriorityvaluein[One Press M Mode].
Aperture Priority For locking the aperture value and adjusting the shutter speed
Shutter Priority For locking the shutter speed and adjusting the aperture value
Program For adjusting both the aperture value and shutter speed
• TheISOspeedwillbelockedto[AUTO]wheninTAvmode.
• ISOspeeds[AUTO]and[AUTO-HI]cannotbesetinMmode.
Caution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• Whenthepicturedisplayisset tooff,theaperturevalueand shutterspeedcannotbechanged.If
• Usingalongshutterspeedwillresultinanoisy image.When[Slow Shutter Speed NR] is set in the
ISO speed and shutter speed settings. However, it will take some time to record the processed image.
ISO Setting Shutter speed at the start of processing
ISO 100 – ISO 3200 8 seconds or more
ISO 3201 – ISO 25600 4 seconds or more