Select the sound settings
During manufacture 6 types of sound style have been pre-defined.
You can choose between these six different styles with the SOUND key of the
smart controls on the door of the remote control.
4Press the Smart Controls' key SOUND repeatedly to select : In concert,
Classic, Jazz, Pop, Stadium or Personal.
5The sound styles are displayed briefly on the top of the screen.
Each sound style corresponds with a specific predefined setting of the graphic
Personal refers to the personal preference settings of volume, balance, treble
and bass you can adjust in the sound menu and store with General PP store
in the FEATURES menu.
Adjust sound settings
4Press MENU on the remote control.
5The MAIN MENU appears.
4Select SOUND with the keys Vor Wand press OK .
5The SOUND menu appears.
4Select with the keys Vor Wthe adjustments of Volume and Balance.
4Press the keys Cor Bto change the selected adjustment.
4Select Graphic Equalizer with the keys Vor Wand press OK.
5The GRAPHIC EQUALIZER menu appears.
4Press the keys C or Bto select an equalizer setting.
4Press the keys Vor Wto adjust the settings.
5The sound style is set to Manual until the modified adjustments of the graphic
equalizer are stored.
Select the sound styles with the sound menu
This menu item has the same function as the Smart Controls key Sound on
the remote control as mentioned above.
4Select Sound Style in the menu SOUND with the keys Vor W.
4Press the keys Cor Bto select the preferred sound style : In concert,
Classic, Jazz, Pop, Stadium or Personal.
If you want to store the modified adjustments for all the TV channels.
4Select Features in the Main Menu with the keys Vor Wand press OK.
5The FEATURES menu appears.
4Select General PP Store with the keys Vor Wand press OK.
5The message Stored appears briefly on the bottom of the screen.
5You have created and stored a new Personal sound style.
SOUND Volume
Graphic Equalizer
Sound Style
Sound Mode
Dolby Pro Logic Install
0.1KHz 0.3KHz 1KHz 3KHz 10KHz
FEATURES Sleeptimer
Pip size
Child Lock
General PP store
Recording Source