[Hotel Information]
The settings from this submenu will allow you to setup the pictures for the hotel information.
[Display information]
[On]: Enables hotel information to be available in the guest menu.
[Off]: Disables hotel information to be available in the guest menu.
[Info key enable]
Enables the possibility to see Hotel Info by pressing the Info button on the remote control.
[USB to TV]
This option uploads the pictures used for Hotel Info in to the TV. You should only use this when configuring the master TV. You can then clone the settings to another TV.
Note: All pictures used for Hotel Info will be cloned.
[Control Settings]
The settings from this submenu will provide access to the functionality of the TV
[Local KB lock]
[Off]: The local keyboard (control buttons on the TV) are enabled.
[On]: The local keyboard (control buttons on the TV) are disabled, power button still enabled.
[All]: All local keyboard (control buttons on the TV) are disabled.