Philips SCF330 manual After use, Storing breast milk, Do’s, Don’ts

Models: SCF330

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Do not continue pumping for more than 5 minutes at a time if you do not succeed in expressing any milk.Try to express at another time during the day. If the process becomes very uncomfortable or painful, stop using the pump and consult your breastfeeding advisor.

7On average, you need to pump for 10 minutes to express 60-125ml (2-4fl oz) of breast milk.

However, this is just an indication and varies from woman to woman.

8When you have finished expressing, carefully remove the breast pump from your breast and unscrew the bottle or breast milk container from the pump body ready for feeding/storage. Clean the other used parts of the breast pump according to the instructions in the chapter ‘Cleaning and sterilising’.

Note: If you regularly express more than 125ml per session, you can use a 260ml/9fl oz Philips AVENT bottle or 240ml/8fl oz Philips AVENT storage cup to prevent overfilling and spillage.

After use

Storing breast milk

Only store breast milk collected with a sterile pump.

Breast milk can be stored in the fridge (not in the door) for up to 48 hours. Expressed milk should

be refrigerated immediately. If you store milk in the fridge to add to during the day, only add milk that has been expressed into a sterilised bottle or breast milk container.

Breast milk can be stored in the freezer for up to three months as long as it is kept in either sterilised bottles fitted with a sterilised screw ring and sealing disc or in sterilised storage cups with a

sterilised lid. Clearly label the bottle or storage cup with the date and time of expression and use

older breast milk first.

If you intend to feed your baby with the expressed breast milk within 48 hours, you can store the breast milk in the fridge in an assembled Philips AVENT bottle or storage cup:

1Unscrew the bottle or storage cup and remove it from the pump body.

2Assemble a sterilised teat and screw ring onto the bottle or storage cup according to the separate instructions provided with the bottle or storage cup.

3Seal the teat with the dome cap.


-- Always refrigerate or freeze expressed milk immediately.

-- Only store milk collected with a sterilised breast pump in sterilised bottles or sterilised storage cups.


-- Never refreeze thawed breast milk.

-- Never add fresh breast milk to frozen breast milk.

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Philips SCF330 manual After use, Storing breast milk, Do’s, Don’ts