3. Management with Web browser software
3.3 Projector Management using SNMP
The SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) enables to manage the projector information, which is a failure or warning status, from the computer on the network. The SNMP management software will be required on the computer to use this function.
NOTE • It is recommended that SNMP functions be carried out by a network administrator.
•SNMP management software must be installed on the computer to monitor the projector via SNMP.
SNMP Settings (16)
Configure the following items via a web browser to use SNMP. Example: If the IP address of the projector is set to
1)Enter “” into the address bar of the web browser.
2)Enter the Administrator ID and Password and click [Logon].
3)Click [Port Settings] on the main menu.
4)Click [Enable] check box to open the SNMP Port. Set the IP address to send the SNMP trap to when a Failure/Warning occurs.
NOTE • A Network Restart is required after the SNMP Port configuration settings have been changed. Click [Network Restart] and configure the following items.
5)Click [Security Settings] on the main menu.
6)Click [SNMP] and set the community name on the screen that is displayed.
NOTE • A Network Restart is required after the Community name has been changed. Click [Network Restart] and configure the following items.
7)Configure the settings for Trap transmission of Failures/Warnings. Click
[Alert Settings] on the main menu and select the Failure/Warning item to be configured.
8)Click [Enable] check box to send out the SNMP trap for Failures/Warnings. Clear [Enable] check box when SNMP trap transmission is not required.
9)Click [Apply] button to save the settings.