Rule Action: Select the Deny or Allow for your rules.
Direction: Select the Outgoing or Incoming.
Protocol: Set protocol type to be blocked or allowed.
Src IP Address / Mask / Port: Set the subnet of source side computers to be denied / allowed access to the destination side computers. An individual source IP address can be designated for filtering.
If all IP addresses must be filtered, leave this box blank. Enter the IP/subnet mask address in the form of XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX. Example: The IP address is and the net mask The IP address and the net mask is not care.
Dst IP Address / Mask / Port: Set the subnet of destination side computers to be denied/allowed access to the source side computers. The destination IP address to be filtered is set. If all IP addresses must be filtered, leave this box blank. Enter the IP/subnet mask address in the form of XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX. Example: The IP address is and the net mask IP address and the net mask is not care.
Click “Add” button to add this filtering rule.
Note: Please Commit/Reboot if you want to make this settings effective immediately Mac Filtering
Use the MAC filters to deny computers within the local area network from accessing the Internet. Entries in Filter Table are used to restrict certain types of data packets from your local network to Internet through the Gateway. Use of such filters can be helpful in securing or restricting your local network.