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from Wide Area Network (WAN) interface. The following procedure shows how to set up
admin# setup lan 1 address admin# setup bridge gateway
The IP address should be an IP address on the same network as that of the
To save your changes enter:
admin# write
To enable your changes, reboot the system:
admin# reboot
Note: The IP address that is assigned to
3.10.2 Static bridge table
The following commands show how to setup the static bridge table by “add” command.
admin# setup bridge static add lan_port forward admin# setup bridge static add wan1_port filter admin# setup bridge static add mac 00:30:4f:00:00:01
Note: You must perform the above procedure in the sequence as shown, i.e., port attributes first and MAC finally.
To list the content of the table, use the “list” command:
admin# setup bridge static list
Static Bridging Parameters
1. MAC Address : 00:30:4f:00:00:01