The system also supports the coupling ring that can connect 2 or more redundant ring group for the redundant backup function and dual homing function that prevent connection lose between redundant ring group and upper level/core switch.
■Enable Redundant ring: to enable the redundant ring function. Marking the check box to enable the redundant ring function.
■1st & 2nd Working Ports: assign two ports as the member ports. One port will be working port and one port will be the backup port. The system will automatically decide which port is working port and which port is backup port.
■Enable Coupling Ring: to enable the coupling ring function. Marking the check box to enable the coupling ring function.
■Coupling port: assign the member port.
■Control port: set the switch as the master switch in the coupling ring.
■Enable Dual Homing: set up one of port on the switch to be the Dual Homing port. In a redundant ring group, maximum Dual Homing port is two. And each switch only can assign one Dual Homing port. Dual Homing only work when the redundant ring function enable.
■Click the to apply the configuration.
Redundant Ring interface