Actor: oneself device.

Partner: link partner device.

Admin: Switch default value.

Oper: user setting and aggregating result.

Priority: System priority value.

MAC Address: Switch’s MAC Address.

Key: aggregating key:

100 serial is LACP static trunking.

60000 serial is LACP dynamic trunking. I.e:101: 100MB group 1’s LACP static trunking, 102:100MB

Group 2’s LACP static trunking. 60010: 10MB LACP dynamic trunking. Port Priority: always is 1.

Port State:

Active: ON: active status. OFF: passive status.

Timeout: ON: short timeout ( 30 sec.). OFF: long timeout ( 90 sec.).

Aggregation: ON: this link to be aggregating able. OFF: this link to be individual.

SYNC: ON: synchronization status, it has been allocated to the link aggregation information. OFF: asynchronization status, it’s not in the correct aggregation.

Collect: ON: enable collection of incoming frames. OFF: disable collection of incoming frames.

Distribute: ON: enable distribution of outgoing frames. OFF: disable distribution of outgoing frames.

Default: ON: in default setting value, using admin configured for the partner. OFF: the operational partner information for receive in a LACPDU.

Expired: ON: the receive machine is in the expired state. OFF: the receive machine is not in the expired status.

Speed: display port link speed status.

Full-duplex:display port link duplex status, LACP operation requires full-duplex mode.

LACP enable: display LACP status.

Trunk enable: display local trunk status.

Port enable: display port status.

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