Even if you don’t have the room for
Knowing this, we set out to develop the ultimate “sub/sat” system. One with the convenience of a “sub/sat” system, and the
PERFORMANCE performance you expect from Polk Audio.
CUltimately, we found that the only way to achieve our ONVENIENCE goal was to design not only the speaker system but the
SIMPLICITY preamp, surround processor, and amplifiers as well. By optimizing the speakers and electronics for each
other we achieved a much higher level of performance than any previous sub/sat system!
When we were finished, we found we had created something entirely new: a
We call it the RM Digital Solution: “An Intelligent A/V
There’s no need to choose a receiver or separate surround processor or
You don’t need an advanced degree in digital electronics to get the most out of this system. We’ve done the work for you. The
the best possible performance. No complicated setup procedures are required. Simply plug everything in, and enjoy!
www.polkaudio.com | 3 |