Installation and Setup
* Make sure AUDIO CD ON/OFF Switch is in the OFF position.
< DOS/Windows 3.1x >
The INSTALL program on your master diskette will install the software for you automati- cally. Use the following procedure to run INSTALL:
1)Insert the Portable 24X
2)Boot your computer to DOS.
3)Place the DOS, Windows 3.1x installation diskette into a floppy disk drive.
4)Change the DOS prompt to that of the floppy drive you are using.
5)Type "INSTALL" and hit enter.
6)Follow the instructions on the screen.
After the installation is completed the software should be installed on your DOS system disk. You need to restart your system in order to make the installation effective. Remove your master diskette and press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart your computer.
< Windows 95/98 >
1)Insert the Portable 24X
2)Boot to Windows
3)Upon bootup, Windows should automatically detect the
4)Accept ALL default choices. The driver that should load up is the “STANDARD IDE/ESDI HARD DISK CONTROLLER”.
NOTE: A driver diskette is NOT necessary since all drivers are located within Windows itself.
5)Upon completion of the Hardware Wizard, your
< Windows NT >
The computer must be turned off before inserting or removing the Portable 24X
1)Boot to Windows NT
2)Go to Start/Settings/Control Panel
3)Open SCSI Adapters
4)Click on the Drivers tab
5)Click on Add. On the next screen, click on Have Disk
6)Insert the Portable 24X
7)The system will prompt you again for the directory. Enter the same directory, “A:\WINNT” and click OK.
8)The system will prompt you to reboot once the driver installation is complete.