jects or seriously cut you if acc identally
touched. Stop the blade by contacting the
righthand side of the c oasting blade with ma-
terial already cut.
WARNING: Ins pect the area to be
cutbefore eac h use. Remove objects (rock s,
broken glass, nails, wire, etc.) which c an be
thrown or become entangled in the blade or
trimmer line.
SThrow away and replace blades that are
bent,warped, crack ed, broken or damaged
inany otherway.
SInstallrequired shield pr operly before using
the unit. Usethe metal s hield for all metal
bladeus e.
WARNING: Only use br ushcutter at-
tachments that provide a metal shield with
proboscis nose.
SUseonly specified blade and make sure it is
properly installed and securely fastened.
SCut from your left to your right. Cutting on
the right side of the shield will throw debris
away from the operator.
SAlways use the handlebar and a properly
adjustedshoulder strap with blade (see AS-
SEMBLYinstructions in br ushcutter attach-
mentins truction manual).


WARNING: Rotat ing tines can cause
serious injury. Keep away from rotating tines.
Stop the engine and disconnect the spark plug
before unclogging tines or making repairs.
WARNING: Ins pect the area to be
cultivatedbefore s tarting the unit. Remove all
debris and hard and sharp objects such as
rocks, vines, branches, rope, string, etc .
SAvoidheavy c ontact with solid objects that
might stop the tines. If heavy contact oc -
curs, stop the engine and inspect the unit
for damage.
SNeveroperate the c ultivator without the tine
cover in place and properly secured.
SKeep the tines and guard clear of debris.
SAfters triking a foreign object, stop the engine,
disconnect the spark plug and inspec t the cul-
tivator for damage. Repair before restarting.
SDisconnect attachment from the drive en-
gine before cleaning the tines with a hose
and water to remove any build--up. Oil the
tinesto prevent rust.
SAlways wear gloves when servic ing or
cleaning the tines. Thetines become v ery
sharp from use.
SDo not run unit at high speed unless culti-


moves momentarily after the trigger is re-
leasedor engine is turned off. Do not attempt
toclear away c ut material when the blade is in
motion. Make sure engine is stopped, the
spark plug wire is disconnected, and the
blade has stopped moving before removing
jammed material from the cutting blade. Do
not grab orhold the unit by the cutting blade.
WARNING : Inspect the area before
starting the unit. Removeall debris and hard
objects such as rocks, glass, wire, etc . that
can ricochet, be thrown, or otherwise caus e
injury or damage during operation.
SDo not use a cutting blade that is bent,
warped, cracked, broken or damaged in any
other way. H ave worn or damaged parts re-
placed by your authorized service dealer.
SAlways keep unit in front of your body.
Keep all parts of your body away from the
cutting blade.
SKeepthe cutting blade and air vents c lear of


WARNING : Keep hands and feet
away from the rotor when starting or running
the engine. Never attempt to clear the rotor
with the engine/motor running. Stop engine
anddisconnec t spark plug before unclogging
snowor debr is from discharge chute or when
adjusting vanes.