Input Combine
Your multi channel POWERCLASS™ amplifier can use both front and rear outputs from your head unit to maintain the ability to fade front to rear, or you can run a single set of RCAs to the front inputs and push in the COMBINE switch on the amplifier end plate to route the INPUT A signal to channels 3/4 as well.
PSC Switch
Channels 5/6 will be used as subwoofer channels in most cases, and therefore receive summed information from Inputs A and B. This allows Front/Rear fading without affecting the subwoofer level. In order to use a
A d j u s t i n g T h e A m p l i f i e r I n p u t G a i n
1. Adjust all amplifier input gain controls to just above minimum sensitivity (fully counterclockwise).
2.Using the cleanest source (CD), with music playing turn up the head unit until you can hear distortion. Now turn it down a bit until you cannot hear the distortion.
3.Increase the Amplifier gain (clockwise) until the onset of audible distortion. Then decrease the gain to the point just before the distortion starts. This setting minimizes background noise and prevents overload.
4.Repeat step 3 for any remaining amplifiers in the system.
H e a t s i n k C o o l i n g
The unique heatsink on your POWERCLASS™ amplifier has been designed with fins on the inside of the aluminum mass. This allows for the transfer of heat from the circuitry to the heatsink fins and out through the vents
in the endplates. Be sure you have ample space around the amplifier for cooling, at least 2" on all sides.