Sundancer 29
WARNING! Strict adherence to the following safety rules is vital to your safety:
nDo not switch the scooterī€˛s power off while activating the throttle control lever or
immediately after release.
nOperate the power seat only while completely stationary on level ground.
nDo not attempt to operate the power seat switch with the throttle control lever
nDo not operate your scooter with the power seat elevated.
nNever place your scooter in freewheel mode with the power seat elevated.
nUse extreme caution when reaching for objects with your power seat elevated. Do not
overextend or attempt to pick up objects that might affect your balance.
nDo not attempt to raise or lower the seat while in motion!
nDo not drive your scooter unless the power seat is fully retracted (in the lowest position).