Printek Emulation
Command sent to printer:
Escape Sequence: ESC Q F 200
Hexadecimal: 1B 51 46 C8
Response from printer:
Escape Sequence: ESC Q ? ? ; 7
Hexadecimal: 1B 51 3F 3F 3B 37
Note that the values for n1 n2, or in this example “;” “7” in the response from the printer, represent the upper
and lower nibbles, respectively, of the number of dot rows the paper was moved before detecting the beginning
of the black mark. Each of these values has been “or’ed” with 30 Hexadecimal in order to provide the
character shown. As a result, the value represented by “;” is 176, and the value represented by “7” is 7,
indicating that the paper was moved 183 dot rows, or 45.75mm.
Reverse Seek Black Mark ESC Q B n
This command is identical to the Forward Seek Black Mark command described above except that the paper is
moved in the reverse direction in order to seek the bottom edge of the black mark. Care should be taken not to
move the paper very far in the reverse direction to avoid wrinkling the paper and creating the possibility of
paper jams.
Note that reverse paper motion is not supported in MtP400 SL models and this command is ignored.
Black Mark Found (Response From Printer) ESC Q ? ? n1 n2
This response is provided by the printer after detecting the presence of a black mark on the form in response to
either a Forward Seek Black Mark or Reverse Seek Black Mark command. Please refer to the example for
Forward Seek Black Mark, above.
Black Mark Not Found (Response From Printer) ESC Q 0 0 n1 n2
This response is provided by the printer when the presence of a black mark is not detected on the form in
response to either a Forward Seek Black Mark or Reverse Seek Black Mark command. Please refer to the
example for Forward Seek Black Mark, above.
Gap sensing is only available on “LP” models and is used to sense the space between die cut labels. The
minimum space between labels is 0.125” (3.2mm).
Gap sensing is very similar to Black Mark sensing and uses the same commands. Refer to the Operator’s
Manual for instructions on how to select Gap versus Black Mark sensing.