Printek Emulation
Buffer Mode ESC P #
Buffer Mode may be used to force the printer to “hold” data until the entire print job is received.
If Buffer Mode has been enabled, the printer continues to hold data in its input buffer until an EOT character
(Hexadecimal 04) has been received. Once the EOT is received, the printer will print the data in the input
buffer up to the EOT character.
When Buffer Mode is not enabled (default) data are printed as received.
Example 1: The following escape sequence enables Buffer Mode.
Escape Sequence: ESC P $
Hexadecimal: 1B 4D 24
Example 2: This escape sequence disables Buffer Mode.
Escape Sequence: ESC P #
Hexadecimal: 1B 4D 23
Select Format ESC l n
Causes the current line to be printed, and then loads the format parameters for Format n. 1 ≥ n ≥ 5. If Format n
is already selected, this command is ignored. Refer to the Printer Configuration section of the Operator’s
Manual for complete details.
Example: This escape sequence selects Format 2.
Escape Sequence: ESC l 2
Hexadecimal: 1B 6C 02
Select Emulation ESC ESC n
Select the printer emulation mode to be used for future commands. For complete details, refer to “Selecting
Emulations” on page 3.
Print Battery Status ESC P ^
This command will cause the printer to print the current battery voltage and charge status followed by a
Carriage Return and Line Feed.
If a partial line exists in the buffer, it will be printed prior to printing the battery information.
Escape Sequence: ESC P ^
Hexadecimal: 1B 50 5E