Heart Rate Programs

The revolutionary console offers an array of features

The console also offers two heart rate programs that

automatically control the resistance of the pedals and

designed to make your workouts more effective and

prompt you to maintain a constant pedaling pace to

enjoyable. When you use the manual mode of the

keep your heart rate near target heart rate settings

console, you can change the resistance of the pedals

during your workouts.

with the touch of a button. While you exercise, the

Interactive Games

console will display continuous exercise feedback. You

can also measure your heart rate using the handgrip

The console features two motivational interactive

pulse sensor.

games. Using the dual game controllers, play the chal-

Interactive Cross Trainer Programs

lenging Fat Blocker™ game or the fast-paced Calorie

Destroyer™ game during your workouts—the harder

The console features nine interactive cross trainer pro-

you exercise, the greater the advantage you will have!

grams designed to help you to burn calories and

The console keeps track of the four highest scores for

develop your cardiovascular system while toning and

each game—compete with other users or try to top

strengthening your muscles. The cross trainer pro-

your own high score.

grams automatically control the resistance of the ped-

Sound System

als and prompt you to perform a variety of strength

exercises during your workout. Choose an upper body,

You can even connect your MP3 player or CD player

lower body, or total body cross trainer program to

to the consoleʼs sound system and listen to your

focus your workout. Note: The strength exercises

favorite music or audio books while you exercise.

require the use of dumbbells and an inflatable exer-

To use the manual mode, see page 14. To use a

cise ball (not included). To purchase dumbbells or

an exercise ball, call the telephone number on the

cross trainer program, see page 15. To use a smart

front cover of this manual.

program, see page 17. To use a heart rate program,

Smart Programs

see page 18. To play the Fat Blocker game, see

page 19.

To play the Calorie Destroyer game, see

In addition, the console offers three smart programs.

page 20.

To use the sound system, see page 21.

Each program automatically changes the resistance of



the pedals and prompts you to vary your pedaling



pace as it guides you through an effective workout.




Page 13
Image 13
ProForm PFEL95918.0 manual Console Diagram Features of the Console