4. Change the incline of the treadmill as desired.
To change the
incline of the
treadmill, press
the Inclinein-
crease and de-
crease buttons.
Each time you
press the Incline increase or decrease button, the
incline will change by 0.5%. To change the incline
quickly, press one of theincline buttons numbered
0 through12. Note: After you press the Incline but-
tons, it may take a moment for the treadmill to
reach the selected incline setting.
5. Selecta display mode and monitor your
progresswith the display.
Whenthe manual mode is selected, the console of-
fersthree display modes. The display mode that
you selectwill determine which workout information
is shown.Press the Display button repeatedly to
selectthe desired display mode.
As you walk or run on the treadmill, the display can
show the following workout information:
• The speed of the walking belt.
• Your walking or running pace, in minutes per mile
or minutesper kilometer.
• The approximate number of calories you have
• The elapsed time.
• The distance that you have walked or run.
• The number of laps you have completed.
• The incline setting of the treadmill. Note: The in-
clinesetting will be displayed only when the in-
clinesetting changes.
• Your heart rate. Note: Your heart rate can be dis-
playedonly while you use the handgrip pulse sen-
• The display can also show an animation of a
Regardlessof which display mode you select, the
speedor incline setting will appear in the display for
a few secondseach time you change the setting.
You canchange the volume level by pressing the
Volumeincrease and decrease buttons.
As you exercise,the workout intensity level bar will
indicatethe approximate intensity level of your ex-
ercise.For example, if eight of the indicatorsin the
barare lit, the bar shows that your intensity level is
idealfor aerobic exercise.
To reset the console, press the Stop button, re-
move the key,and then reinsert the key.
Workout Intensity Level Bar