Chapter 3: Troubleshooting
Event: WebPAM reports temperature out of specification.
Cause: The enclosure temperature has risen above 52°C (126°F).
Fix: Verify that all the drive carriers are properly instal led in the enc losu re. Ch eck
fan operation using WebPAM. If these are OK, power down the PC and ope n th e
case. Check for air space around the fans and relocate cables and wires as
A disk drive that runs too hot could cause high enclosure temperature. Power
down the PC, open each drive carrier and carefully touch the disk drive with your
finger. Normally drives are warm. If a drive is hot, replace it.
Disk Drive ReplacementIf you are replacing a hot-swap disk drive, you can do this proceedure with the
PC running. To replace a disk drive under any other conditions, power down the
PC before you begin.
1. Swing the drive carrier handle out and to the left.
2. Pull the drive carrier out of the SuperSwap enclosure.
3. Remove the four screws attaching the disk dr ive to the drive carrier.
4. Lift the disk drive from the drive carrier.
5. Carefully place a disk drive into the drive carrier and slide it all the w ay to the
6. Install and tighten the four mounting screws to secure the disk drive in the
drive carrier.
7. Carefully slide the drive carrier into the housing assembly with the handle
turned out all the way.
8. As the carrier snaps into place, the handle will swing inward.
9. Press the handle flat against the drive carrier to fully seat it