Chapter 6: Sett ings
Scancode Remapping
Ikôn Rugged PDA (Windows Mobile 6.1) User Manual 129
Adding And Changing Unicode Values
• Tap on the Add/Change button.
• Highlight a value in the Unicode mapping list.
• Position the cursor in the Unicode Mapping field, and type a Unicode value for the
highlighted key.
Removing Unicode Values
•In the Unicode Mapping tab, highlight the item you want to delete, and tap the
Remove button.
6.4.6 Scancode RemappingA scancode is a number that is associated with a physical key on a keyboard. Every key has
a unique scancode that is mapped to a virtual key, a function or a macro. Scancode Remap-
ping allows you to change the functionality of any key on the keyboard. A key can be
remapped to send a virtual key (e.g. VK_F represents the ‘F’ key; VK_RETURN represents
the [ENTER] key, etc.), perform a function (e.g. turn the scanner on, change volume/con-
trast, etc.) or run a macro.
Important: Changes to Unicode mappings are not saved until you exit the Unicode
Mapping tab by tapping on [OK].
Note: To add a shifted state – [SHIFT] and/or [CTRL], tap on the checkbox next to ‘SHIFT
Pressed’ and/or ‘CTRL Pressed’.