Chapter 6: Sett ings
Trigger Mappings
Ikôn Rugged PDA (Windows Mobile 6.1) User Manual 161
Show All Modules
By default, the trigger mapping list only shows active mappings. Mappings for drivers or
applications that are not currently active are not normally displayed. By checking this
checkbox, all mappings, both active and inactive, are displayed.
Tapping this button brings up the Add mapping dialog (see below), so that you can add new
trigger mappings.
Tapping this button brings up the Edit mapping dialog, so that you can edit existing trigger
Tapping this button removes an existing mapping.
The OK button in the top right of the Manage Triggers screen saves all changes made. If the
[ESC] key is pressed, all changes are discarded. Add And Edit Trigger Mapping
Tap on Add to add a new trigger map, or tap on Edit to edit an existing trigger map.
Trig ger Ke y
This dropdown list allows you to specify the source of the trigger events, such as the Grip
Trigger, Left Scan, etc., for the trigger module selected.