Chapter 6: Sett ings
Teklogix Error Handling Service
Ikôn Rugged PDA (Windows Mobile 6.1) User Manual 173
•End All Tasks: Shuts down all applications listed.
•View: Allows you to list either all running applications or all processes.
•Sort By: Allows you to sort active applications or processes based on Memory size,
CPU or application or process Name.
•Refresh: Updates the list of applications or processes.
•Exit: Closes the Task Manager.
6.31 Teklogix Error Handling Service• Tap on Start>Settings. Tap on the System tab followed by the Teklogix Error Han-
dling Service icon.
Teklogix Error Handling Service is an error diagnostic tool. Tapping in the checkbox next to
Enable error reporting enables this service.
6.31.1 ErrorLogInfo
• To log an error, tap on the ErrorLogInfo tab.