Chapter 6: Sett ings
Teklogix Error Handling Service
Ikôn Rugged PDA (Windows Mobile 6.1) User Manual 173
End All Tasks: Shuts down all applications listed.
View: Allows you to list either all running applications or all processes.
Sort By: Allows you to sort active applications or processes based on Memory size,
CPU or application or process Name.
Refresh: Updates the list of applications or processes.
Exit: Closes the Task Manager.
6.31 Teklogix Error Handling Service
Tap on Start>Settings. Tap on the System tab followed by the Teklogix Error Han-
dling Service icon.
Teklogix Error Handling Service is an error diagnostic tool. Tapping in the checkbox next to
Enable error reporting enables this service.

6.31.1 ErrorLogInfo

To log an error, tap on the ErrorLogInfo tab.