Chapter 6: Sett ings
Active Connections
Ikôn Rugged PDA (Windows Mobile 6.1) User Manual 205
You can assign either a BSP or a COM prefix from the dropdown menu. BSP (Bluetooth
Serial Port) was created by Microsoft to allow Bluetooth to have its own serial prefix in
order to free up virtual COM prefixes as these are limited and are widely used. (In Windows
Mobile 6.1, the COM Ports tab is used to assign a virtual outgoing COM port to a
PairedBluetooth service, and the Outgoing Port tab is used to assign multiple
outgoingB luetooth services to a single virtual port.)
6.39.6 Active ConnectionsThis tab displays the currently active Bluetooth connections, listing the device name(s). The
type of link is also included with the device name(s). Keep in mind that the information
listed in this tab is ‘view only’; it cannot be edited.