RESET HOUR = 10PM – Sets the reset hour for the day (days) outlined above using the UP or DOWN key. The default setting is 10PM.
Note: In some
MAX HRS/PUNCH = 13 – The purpose of this feature is to guard against an individual who forgets to punch out. This feature sets the number of hours allowed between punches. For example, if 13 hours is selected using the UP or DOWN key and an individual punches in and then forgets to clock out, the 4000/4000HD will print the next line as an “in” punch if more than 13 hours have elapsed. The time card will show the “in” punch followed below by a space were the “out” punch would have been located and then followed by the correct “in” punch. Hours can be set from
ROUNDING = NONE – This feature is known as rounded time, flex time, or grace period and only affects how the 4000/4000HD calculates the clock in/out totals and the running totals but does not affect the printed punch in/out time. Many businesses allow a “grace” period for employees when they clock in or out. This is done either to allow for variations in the time shown on different clocks, watches and time recorders throughout a company, or just to make the calculation of payable time simpler by “rounding off” the times recorded on a time clock. Use the UP or DOWN key to select one of the four options listed below:
Press SELECT to return to the main display.
1.NONE – Turns rounding off. With this option, the
2.5 MIN – This is the “5 minute rule”. With this option, the clock in/out and running totals will be rounded to the nearest
3.10 MIN – This is the “10 minute rule”. With this option, the clock in/out and running totals will be rounded to the nearest 10 minute mark and will round “forward” at 5 minutes before the 10 minute