Explanation of graphical symbols

The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to humans.

The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the users to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the product.




CAUTION: To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove the cover. No user-serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.

WARNING: To prevent fire or electric shock, do not expose this equipment to rain or mois- ture.

Explication des symboles graphiques

Le symbole éclair avec pointe de flèche à l'intérieur d'un triangle équilatéral est utilisé pour alerter l'utilisateur de la présence à l'intérieur du coffret de "tension non- isolée dangereuse" d'ampleur suffisante pour constituer un risque de choc électrique pour l'être humain.

Le point d'exclamation à l'intérieur d'un triangle équilatéral est employé pour alerter les utilisateur de la présence d'instructions importantes pour le fonctionnement et l'entretien (service) dans les documents accompagnant l'appareil.




ATTENTION: Pour éviter les risques de choc électrique, ne pas enlever le couvercle. Cet appareil ne comporte aucune pièce pouvant être réparée par l'utilisateur. Confier l'entretien

àun technicien qualifié.

AVERTISSEMENT: Pour éviter le risque de choc électrique ou d'incendie, n'exposez cet appareil ni à l'humidité exces- sive ni aux projections d'eau (pluie, ruissellement, etc …)

Erklärung der


Das Blitzzeichen innerhalb eines gleichseitigen Dreiecks warnt den Benutzer vor nicht isolierter, gefährlicher Spannung im Inneren des Gerätes. Diese Spannung ist hoch genug, um Personen durch elektrischen Schlag zu gefährden.

Das Ausrufungszeichen innerhalb eines gleichseitigen Dreiecks weist den Benutzer auf wichtige Bedienungs- und Wartungsanweisungen hin, die in den gerätebegleitenden Unterlagen aufgeführt sind.




VORSICHT: Um Gefährdung durch elektrischen Schlag zu vermeiden, darf das Gehäuse nicht geöffnet werden. Es befinden sich keine vom Benutzer reparierbaren Teile im Inneren des Gerätes. Über- lassen Sie jegliche Reparatur dem qualifizierten Fachmann.

WARNUNG: Um die Gefahr eines Brandes bzw. eine Verletzung durch elektrischen Schlag zu vermeiden, sollten Sie das Gerät niemals Regen oder Feuchtig- keit aussetzen.

Explicación de símbolos

El rayo dentro de un tríangulo equilátero alerta al usuario de la presencia de voltaje peligroso no aislado dentro del producto, que puede tener un nivel suficiente para constitutuir un riesgo de descarga eléctrica para el usario.

El signo de exclamación inscrito en un triángulo equilátero alerta a los usuarios de la presencia de instrucciones importantes de funcionamiento y mantenimiento (servicio) en la literatura que acompaña al producto.




PRECAUCIÓN: Para reducir el riesgo de alguna descarga eléctrica, no quite la tapa. El usario no debe ajustar los componentes internos. Para mantenimiento solicite la ayuda de personal cualificado.

AVISO: Para evitar un incendio

ouna descarga eléctrica, no exponga este equipo a la lluvia o humedad.


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QSC Audio PL218, PL224, PL236, PL230 Erklärung der Bildsymbole, Explicación de símbolos, Explanation of graphical symbols

PL230, PL224, PL236, PL218 specifications

QSC Audio is a prominent name in the professional audio industry, known for its high-performance amplifiers and speakers that cater to various applications ranging from live sound to fixed installations. Among its notable offerings are the PL218, PL236, PL224, and PL230 amplifiers, each designed with unique features and technologies that enhance audio performance and reliability.

The QSC PL218 is a powerhouse amplifier tailored for subwoofer applications, featuring a robust output capacity. It can deliver an impressive amount of wattage while maintaining clarity and punch, making it ideal for nightclubs and large venues. The PL218 incorporates advanced signal processing, providing precise control over frequency response and dynamic range, ensuring that every bass note resonates with depth and power.

Next in line is the PL236, a highly versatile amplifier designed for general-purpose applications. It comes equipped with a dual-channel output configuration, allowing it to drive a variety of loudspeaker systems effectively. The PL236 features QSC’s patented PowerLight technology, which combines high efficiency with a compact form factor, enabling it to deliver maximum output without excessive heat generation. Additionally, it includes integrated DSP capabilities for advanced system tuning and optimization.

The PL224 blends power and efficiency, making it a popular choice for both portable and installed sound systems. With a two-channel amplifier design, it can easily accommodate multiple speaker configurations. The PL224 boasts a rugged chassis for durability, along with comprehensive protection circuitry that ensures reliable operation in demanding environments. Its lightweight design and efficient cooling system make it ideal for touring applications and fixed installations alike.

Lastly, the PL230 stands out as a compact yet powerful amplifier suited for smaller setups or as a complement to larger systems. It provides excellent sound quality with low distortion, ensuring that the audio output remains faithful to the source. The PL230 features QSC’s advanced thermal management technology, which helps maintain optimal performance even during extended use.

Overall, the QSC PL218, PL236, PL224, and PL230 amplifiers exemplify the brand's commitment to quality and innovation. With their advanced technologies, powerful output capabilities, and reliable performance, these amplifiers are well-equipped to meet the demands of a wide range of audio applications, making them a staple in any professional sound setup. Whether in live performance or fixed installations, the QSC amplifiers ensure an exceptional audio experience that professionals can depend on.