If the 6 in 1 IR/RF Remote Control stops working after you have successfully tested the control for each device, or if you are unable to get the remote control to work at all, check these things:
•Confirm that your remote control devices are working properly by using the original remote control or the manual controls.
•Be sure you press the device key for the device you want to control before you press any other key.
•Replace the batteries.
•If some of the keys do not function for your device, you might be able to search for a bet- ter device code.
If you are still experiencing difficulties getting your equipment programmed with the 6 in 1 IR/RF Re- mote Control, you might want to upgrade your re- mote control with new codes. This can be done by simply calling our
Important: If you have already set up your 6 in 1 for other equipment, downloading updated infor- mation erases those codes from the 6 in 1’s mem- ory.
Note: Your remote control’s telephone upgrade feature is designed to work with any telephone that meets current FCC specifications for hearing aid compatibility. Please do not use cordless or cellular phones when calling for a telephone up- grade.
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