When calling special services, dial the service’s main number first. Then, at the appropriate place in the call, press OK on the handset until SPEED DIAL MEMORY appears, press OK to confirm, and then the memory location number for the addition- al information.
Testing Stored Emergency Numbers
If you store an emergency service’s number (police department, fire department, ambulance) and you want to test the stored number, make the test call during the late evening or early morning hours to avoid peak demand periods. Remain on the line to explain the reason for your call.
When a message appears on the handset, refer to the following table to see what it means.
Display | Description |
INCOMING CALL | A call is coming in. |
PHONE ON | The handset is off hook and ready for |
| dialing. |
EXTENSION IN USE | The call is picked up by another |
| phone on the same line. |
MUTE MICROPHONE? | The incoming and outgoing audio will |
| be muted if OK is pressed. |
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| Operation | ||