Chapter 6 Using Configurator
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Table 6.2 Operators
Operator Priority Direction of computation
() High From left to right
- (Unary_minus) From right to left

/ % From left to right

+ - (Binary_minus) Low From loft to right

Numerical value examples are presented below.
123 123 + 0x23
(23/4 + 3) 2
100B + 0aH


The symbols are indicated by a character string that consists of numerals, upper- and lower-case al-
phabetical letters, _(underscore), and ?, and begins with a non-numeric character.
Example symbols are presented below.

Function Name

The function names are indicated by a character string that consists of numerals, upper and
lower-case alphabetical letters,'$'(dollar) and '_'(underscore), begins with a non-numeric character,
and ends with '()'.
The following shows an example of a function name written in the C language.
main() func()
When written in the assembly language, the start label of a module is assumed to be a function name.


The frequency is indicated by a character string that consist of numerals and . (period), and ends with
MHz. The numerical values are significant up to six decimal places. Also note that the frequency can
be entered using decimal numbers only.
Frequency entry examples are presented below.
16MHz 8.1234MHz
It is also well to remember that the frequency must not begin with . (period).


The time is indicated by a character string that consists of numerals and . (period), and ends with ms.
The time values are effective up to three decimal places when the character string is terminated with
ms. Also note that the time can be entered using decimal numbers only.