Chapter 6 Using Configurator
- 101 -
8. Maximum message priority value
[( Definition format )] Numeric value
[( Definition range )] 1 to 255
[( Default value )] None
Define the maximum value of message priority.
[( System Clock Definition Procedure )]
<< Format >>
// System Clock Definition
mpu_clock = MPU clock ;
timer = Timers used for system clock ;
IPL = System clock interrupt priority level ;
<< Content >>
1. MPU clock
[( Definition format)] Frequency(in MHz)
[( Definition range )] None
[( Default value )] 20MHz
Define the MPU operating clock frequency of the microcomputer in MHz units.
For the M16C/70 series, set the same value as the one that is set for the peripheral function operating
clock, f1. The M16C/70 series requires that compile options be set. For details, refer to Page - 94 -.
2. Timers used for system clock
[( Definition format )] Symbol
[( Definition range )] A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, OTHER, NOTIMER
[( Default value )] NOTIMER
Define the hardware timers used for the system clock.
If you do not use a system clock, define "NOTIMER."
3. System clock interrupt priority level
[( Definition format )] Numeric value
[( Definition range )] 1 to Kernel mask(OS interrupt disable) level in system definition
[( Default value )] 4
Define the priority level of the system clock timer interrupt. The value set here must be smaller than
the kernel mask(OS interrupt disable level.
Interrupts whose priority levels are below the interrupt level defined here are not accepted during sys-
tem clock interrupt handler processing.