Chapter 6 Using Configurator
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Define the following for each cyclic handler ID number.
1. ID name
[( Definition format )] Symbol
[( Definition range )] None
[( Default value )] None
Define the name by which the memory pool is specified in a program.
2. Activation cycle
[( Definition format )] Numeric value
[( Definition range )] 1 to 32767
[( Default value )] None
Define the activation cycle at which time the cyclic handler is activated periodically. The activation cy-
cle here must be defined in the same unit of time as the system clock's unit time that is defined in sys-
tem clock definition item. If you want the cyclic handler to be activated at 1-second intervals, for ex-
ample, the activation cycle here must be set to 1000.
3. TA_STA attribute
[( Definition format )] Symbol
[( Definition range )] ON or OFF
[( Default value )] OFF
Specify the TA_STA attribute of the cyclic handler. If ON is selected, the TA_STA attribute is added; if
OFF is selected, the TA_STA attribute is not added.
4. TA_PHS attribute
[( Definition format )] Symbol
[( Definition range )] ON or OFF
[( Default value )] OFF
Specify the TA_PHS attribute of the cyclic handler. If ON is selected, the TA_PHS attribute is added; if
OFF is selected, the TA_PHS attribute is not added.
5. Activation phase
[( Definition format )] Numeric value
[( Definition range )] 1 to 0xFFFFFFFF
[( Default value )] None
Define the activation phase of the cyclic handler. The time representing this startup phase must be de-
fined in ms units.
6. Start Address
[( Definition format )] Symbol or Function Name
[( Definition range )] None
[( Default value )] None
Define the start address of the cyclic handler.
Note that the function name defined here will have the declaration statement shown below output to
the kernel_id.h file.
#pragma CYCHANDLER function name