Chapter 5 Detailed Applications
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5.2.2 Writing Kernel(OS-dependent) Interrupt Handler
When describing the kernel(OS-dependent) interrupt handler in assembly language, observe the following pre-
1. At the beginning of file, be sure to include "" which is in the system directory.
2. For the symbol indicating the interrupt handler start address, make the external declara-
tion(Global declaration).53
3. Make sure that the regi sters used in a handler are saved at the entry and are restored after
4. Return to the task by ret_int service call.
.INCLUDE ------(1)
.GLB inth ------(2)
inth: ; Registers used are saved to a stack ------(3)
iwup_tsk #ID_task1
; Registers used are restored ------(3)
ret_int ------(4)
Figure 5.8 Example of kernel(OS-depend) interrupt handler
53 Use the .GLB peudo-directive.