Chapter 4 Applications Development Procedure Overview
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4.1 Overview
Application programs for MR308 should generally be developed following the procedure described below.

1. Generating a project

When using HEW40, create a new project using MR308 on HEW.

2. Coding the application program

Write the application program in code form using C or assembly language. If necessary, correct the
sample startup program (crt0mr.a30) and section definition file ( or

3. Creating a configuration file

Create a configuration file which has defined in it the task entry address, stack size, etc. by using an
The GUI configurator available for MR308 may be used to create a configuration file.

4. Executing the configurator

From the configuration file, create system data definition files (,, include files
(, kernel_id.h), and a system generation procedure description file (makefile).

5. System generation

Execute the make41 command or execute build on HEW to generate a system.

6. Writing to ROM

Using the ROM programming format file created, write the finished program file into the ROM. Or load
it into the debugger to debug.
Figure 4.1 shows a detailed flow of system generation.
40 It is abbreviation of High-performance Embedded Workshop.
41 The make command comes the UNIX standard and UNIX compatible.