Chapter 3 Introduction to MR308
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Timeout wait state
Wait state entered by slp_tsk service call (+ timeout included)
Event flag (+ timeout included) wait state
Semaphore (+ timeout included) wait state
Message (+ timeout included) wait state
Data transmission (+ timeout included) wait state
Data reception (+ timeout included) wait state
Fixed–size memory block (+ timeout included) acquisition wait state
Short data transmission (+ timeout included) wait state
Short data reception (+ timeout included) wait state
Delay task (dly_tsk)
Keeps a task waiting for a finite length of time. Figure 3.27 shows an example in which execution of
a task is kept waiting for 10 ms by the dly_tsk service call. The timeout value should be specified in
ms units, and not in time tick units.
Figure 3.27 dly_tsk service call