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5.10 Time Management Function (Cyclic Handler)
Specifications of the cyclic handler function of MR100 are listed in Table 5.19. The cyclic handler description languages in
item No. 4 are those specified in the GUI configurator. They are not output to a configuration file, nor are the MR100 ker-
nel concerned with them.
Table 5.19 Specifications of the Cyclic Handler Function
No. Item Content
1 Cyclic handler ID 1-255
2 Activation cycle 0-7fffffff[ms]
3 Activation phase 0-7fffffff[ms]
4 Extended information 32 bits
TA_HLNG: Handlers written in high-level language
TA_ASM: Handlers written in assembly language
TA_STA: Starts operation of cyclic handler
5 Cyclic handler attribute
TA_PHS: Saves activation phase
Table 5.20 List of Cyclic Handler Function Service Call
System State
No. Service Call Function T N E D U L
1 sta_cyc
[S][B] O O O O
2 ista_cyc Starts cyclic handler operation O O O O
3 stp_cyc
[S][B] O O O O
4 istp_cyc Stops cyclic handler operation O O O O
5 ref_cyc O O O O
6 iref_cyc Reference cyclic handler status O O O O
[S]: Standard profile service calls
[B]: Basic profile service calls
Each sign within " System State " is a following meaning.
T: Can be called from task context
N: Can be called from non-task context
E: Can be called from dispatch-enabled state
D: Can be called from dispatch-disabled state
U: Can be called from CPU-unlocked state
L: Can be called from CPU-locked state