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tasks in the RUNNING, READY, or WAITING state.12 If the suspend request is made to a task in the SUS-
PENDED state, an error code is returned.
If a suspend request is issued to a task currently in a WAITING state, the task goes to a WAITING-SUSPENDED
state. If a suspend request is issued to a task that has been placed into a WAITING state for a wait request by the
slp_tsk, wai_flg, wai_sem, rcv_mbx, snd_dtq, rcv_dtq, vsnd_dtq, vrcv_dtq, get_mpf, tslp_tsk, twai_flg, twai_sem,
trcv_mbx, tsnd_dtq, trcv_dtq, vtsnd_dtq, vtrcv_dtq or tget_mpf service call, the task goes to a WAIT-
When the wait condition for a task in the WAITING-SUSPENDED state is cleared, that task goes into the SUS-
PENDED state. It is conceivable that the wait condition may be cleared, when any of the following conditions
The task wakes up upon wup_tsk, or iwup_tsk service call issuance.
The task placed in the WAITING state by the dly_tsk or tslp_tsk service call wakes up after the
specified time elapse.
The request of the task placed in the WAITING state by the wai_flg , wai_sem, rcv_mbx, snd_dtq,
rcv_dtq, vsnd_dtq, vrcv_dtq, get_mpf, tslp_tsk, twai_flg, twai_sem, trcv_mbx, tsnd_dtq, trcv_dtq,
vtsnd_dtq, vtrcv_dtq or tget_mpf service call is fulfilled.
The WAITING state is forcibly cleared by the rel_wai or irel_wai service call
When the SUSPENDED state clear request by rsm_tsk or irsm_tsk is made to a task in the WAIT-
ING-SUSPENDED state, that task goes into the WAITING state. Since a task in the SUSPENDED state cannot
request to be placed in the WAITING state, status change from SUSPENDED to WAITING-SUSPENDED does
not possibly occur.
This state refers to the condition in which a task is registered in the MR100 system but not activated. This task
state prevails when either of the following two conditions occurs.
The task is waiting to be activated.
The task is normally terminated by ext_tsk service call or forcibly terminated by ter_tsk service
12 If a forcible wait request is issued to a task currently in a wait state, the task goes to a WAITING-SUSPENDED state.