<< Content >>
1. System stack size
[( Definition format )] Numeric value
[( Definition range )] 6 or more
[( Default value )] 400H
Define the total stack size used in service call and interrupt processing.
2. Maximum value of priority (value of lowest priority)
[( Definition format )] Numeric value
[( Definition range )] 1 to 255
[( Default value )] 32
Define the maximum value of priority used in MR100's application programs. This must be the value of the
highest priority used.
3. Kernel mask level
[( Definition format )] Numeric value
[( Definition range )] 1 to 7
[( Default value )] 7
Set the IPL value in service calls, that is, the OS interrupt disable level.
4. Time tick denominator
[( Definition format )] Numeric value
[( Definition range )] Fixed to 1
[( Default value )] 1
Set the denominator of the time tick.
5. Time tick numerator
[( Definition format )] Numeric value
[( Definition range )] 1 to 65,535
[( Default value )] 1
Set the numerator of the time tick. The system clock interrupt interval is determined by the time tick denomina-
tor and numerator that are set here. The interval is the time tick numerator divided by time tick denominator [ms].
That is, the time tick numerator [ms].
6. Maximum message priority value
[( Definition format )] Numeric value
[( Definition range )] 1 to 255
[( Default value )] None
Define the maximum value of message priority.