It is also possible to enter operators in numerical values. Table 8.2 Operators lists the operators available.
Table 8.2 Operators
Operator Priority Direction of computation
() High From left to right
- (Unary_minus) From right to left

/ % From left to right

+ - (Binary_minus) Low From loft to right

13. Numerical value examples are presented below.
123 123 + 0x23
(23/4 + 3) 2
100B + 0aH


The symbols are indicated by a character string that consists of numerals, upper- and lower-case alphabetical let-
ters, _(underscore), and ?, and begins with a non-numeric character.
Example symbols are presented below.

Function Name

The function names are indicated by a character string that consists of numerals, upper and lower-case alpha-
betical letters,'$'(dollar) and '_'(underscore), begins with a non-numeric character, and ends with '()'.
The following shows an example of a function name written in the C language.
main() func()
When written in the assembly language, the start label of a module is assumed to be a function name.


The frequency is indicated by a character string that consist of numerals and . (period), and ends with MHz. The
numerical values are significant up to six decimal places. Also note that the frequency can be entered using de-
cimal numbers only.
Frequency entry examples are presented below.
16MHz 8.1234MHz
It is also well to remember that the frequency must not begin with . (period).


The time is indicated by a character string that consists of numerals and . (period), and ends with ms. The time
values are effective up to three decimal places when the character string is terminated with ms. Also note that the