2. Start address
[( Definition format )] Symbol or Function Name
[( Definition range )] None
Define the start address of the alarm handler. The function name defined here causes the following declaration
statement to be output in the kernel_id.h file.
3. Extended information
[( Definition format )] Numeric value
[( Definition range )] 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF
[( Default value )] 0
Define the extended information of the alarm handler. This information is passed as argument to the alarm han-
dler when it starts.
[( Interrupt vector definition )]
This definition is necessary to use Interrupt function.
<< Format >>
// Interrupt Vector Definition
interrupt_vector[ Vector No. ]{
os_int = Kernel-managed (OS dependent) interrupt handler ;
entry_address = Start address ;
pragma_switch = Switch passed to PRAGMA extended function ;
The vector number can be written in the range of 0 to 255. However, whether or not the defined vector number is valid de-
pends on the microcomputer used
Configurator can’t create an Initialize routine (interrupt control register, interrupt causes etc.) for this defined interrupt. You
need to create that.
<< Content >>
4. Kernel (OS dependent) interrupt handler
[( Definition format )] Symbol
[( Definition range )] YES or NO
Define whether the handler is a kernel(OS dependent) interrupt handler. If it is a kernel(OS dependent) interrupt
handler, specify YES; if it is a non-kernel(OS independent) interrupt handler, specify No.
If this item is defined as YES, the declaration statement shown below is output to the kernel_id.h file.
#pragma INTHANDLER /V4 function name
If this item is defined as NO, the declaration statement shown below is output to the kernel_id.h file.
#pragma INTERRUPT /V4 function name
5. Start address
[( Definition format )] Symbol or function name
[( Definition range )] None
[( Default value )] __SYS_DMY_INH
Define the entry address of the interrupt handler. When written in the C language, add () at the end or at the be-
ginning of the function name you have defined.