9. Sample Program Description

9.1 Overview of Sample Program

As an example application of MR100, the following shows a program that outputs a string to the standard output device
from one task and another alternately.

Table 9.1 Functions in the Sample Program

Type ID No. Priority Description
main() Task 1 1 Starts task1 and task2.
task1() Task 2 2 Outputs "task1 running."
task2() Task 3 3 Outputs "task2 running."
cyh1() Handler 1 Wakes up task1().
The content of processing is described below.

The main task starts task1, task2, and cyh1, and then terminates itself.

task1 operates in order of the following.

1. Gets a semaphore.
2. Goes to a wakeup wait state.
3. Outputs "task1 running."
4. Frees the semaphore.

task2 operates in order of the following.

1. Gets a semaphore.
2. Outputs "task2 running."
3. Frees the semaphore.
cyh1 starts every 100 ms to wake up task1.