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5. Service call reffernce

5.1 Task Management Function

Specifications of the task management function of MR100 are listed in Table 5.1 below. The task description languages in
item No. 4 are those specified in the GUI configurator. They are not output to a configuration file, nor are the MR100 ker-
nel concerned with them.
The task stack permits a section name to be specified for each task individually.
Table 5.1 Specifications of the Task Management Function
No. Item Content
1 Task ID 1-255
2 Task priority 1-255
3 Maximum number of activation request count 255
TA_HLNG : Tasks written in high-level language
TA_ASM : Tasks written in assem-bly language
4 Task attribute
TA_A CT Startup attribute
5 Task stack Section specifiable
Table 5.2 List of Task Management Function Service Call
System State
No. Service Call Function
1 act_tsk
[S] Activates task O O O O
2 iact_tsk
[S] O O O O
3 can_act
[S] O O O O
4 ican_act Cancels task activation request O O O O
5 sta_tsk
[B] O O O O
6 ista_tsk Starts task and specifies start code O O O O
7 ext_tsk
[S][B] Exits current task O O O O O
8 ter_tsk
[S][B] Forcibly terminates a task O O O O
9 chg_pri
[S][B] O O O O
10 ichg_pri Changes task priority O O O O
11 get_pri
[S] O O O O
12 iget_pri
Refers to task priority
13 ref_tsk O O O O
14 iref_tsk Refers to task state O O O O
15 ref_tst O O O O
16 iref_tst Refers to task state (simple ver-
sion) O O O O