Riverstone Networks RS Switch Router User Guide Release 8.0 17-73
MPLS Configuration Configuring L2 Tunnels
Note If you configure more than one tunnel LSP to the same destination, you can
specify the preferred LSP to be used with the transport-lsp option of the ldp
set l2-fec command. You can also specify if an alternate LSP can be used. The
transport-lsp option of the ldp set l2-fec command allows you to assign
a specific LSP to specific customer traffic. This provides a way to offer different
LSP services to different customers.
The following is the configuration for R1:
! Configure VLANs and interfaces
vlan make trunk-port gi.4.1
vlan make trunk-port gi.4.2
vlan create cust1 port-based id 100
vlan create cust2 port-based id 200
vlan create ldp_in port-based id 110
vlan create ldp_in2 port-based id 120
vlan add ports gi.4.2 to ldp_in2
vlan add ports gi.4.2 to cust1
vlan add ports gi.4.1 to ldp_in
vlan add ports gi.6.1,gi.2.2,gi.4.1 to cust1
vlan add ports gi.3.1,gi.4.1 to cust2
interface create ip to_rs2 address-netmask vlan ldp_in LDP-signaling VLAN to R2
interface create ip to_rs6 address-netmask vlan ldp_in2 LDP-signaling VLAN to R6
interface create ip ip_32 address-netmask port gi.3.2
interface add ip lo0 address-netmask
! Configure OSPF
ip-router global set router-id
ospf create area backbone
ospf add stub-host to-area backbone cost 5
ospf add interface to_rs2 to-area backbone
ospf add interface to_rs6 to-area backbone
ospf start
! Configure MPLS
mpls add interface to_rs2
mpls add interface to_rs6
! Configure explicit path p1 to R3
mpls create path p1 num-hops 2
mpls set path p1 ip-addr type loose hop 1
mpls set path p1 ip-addr type loose hop 2
! Configure explicit path to R5
mpls create path to_rs5_primary num-hops 3
mpls set path to_rs5_primary ip-addr type strict hop 1
mpls set path to_rs5_primary ip-addr type strict hop 2