Using PCR Editor

You can use the following keyboard shortcuts in PCR Editor.

* In some text boxes, such as the main window’s Title field, the [Edit]–[Copy] and [Edit]–[Paste]
commands are used for text editing.
Keyboard shortcuts
Command Windows Macintosh
[File]–[New] Ctrl + N Command + N
[File]–[Open] Ctrl + O Command + O
[File]–[Save] Ctrl + S Command + S
[File]–[Save As] Ctrl + Shift + S Command + Shift + S
[File]–[Exit] Alt + F4 Command + Q
[Edit]–[Copy] Ctrl + C Command + C
[Edit]–[Paste] Ctrl + V Command + V
[Edit]–[NO ASSIGN] Del Del
Next controller Ctrl + F Command + F
Previous controller Ctrl + B Command + B
PCR-300_500_800_e.book 17 ページ 2006年12月19日 火曜日 午後2時59分