If your system demands are greater than a single model can provide, you can cascade the UltraView Remote 2 to
other UltraView Pro or ServeView Pro models. The total n umber of cascaded units that can be added is equal to th e
total number of CPU ports on the unit identified as the “Mas ter” unit. If the “Master” UltraView Remote 2 unit has 8
CPU ports, then 8 additional “Slave” units can be added, inc reasing the number of computers that can be access ed
from 8 on a single unit to 64 in a cascaded system. A 16 CPU port model can expand to as many as 256 computers
(16 CPU ports x 16 units). Figure 5 show a typical cascaded s ystem using an UltraView Remote 2, 8 port master
and two ServeView Pro 8 port models as slaves. The Master c an have 6 computers connected directly to the unit
and each Slave can have 8 computers connected to them giving a total computer access of 22.
If you plan to expand your system, the unit designated as the “Master” must be configured to identify that there is an
expanded system and how many expansion units have bee n added. This is explained in the “Switch configuration”
Figure 5. Cascading units
Slave #1 Slave #2