Chapter 11 – Upgrading Firmware And Managing Configurations
Using SQL Commands The RuggedSwitch™ provides an “SQL like” command facility that allows expert
users to perform several operations not possible under the user interface, namely:
• Restoring the contents of a specific table, but not the whole configuration,
to their factory defaults,
• Search tables in the database for specific configurations,
• Make changes to tables predicated upon existing configurations.
When combined with RSH, SQL commands provide a means to query and
configure large numbers of switches from a central location.
Getting Started
SQL information is obtainable through the CLI shell “sql” command.
Figure 69 The sql command and SQL help
The SQL command provides an 'sql like' interface for manipulating all system
configuration and status parameters. Entering 'SQL HELP command-name' displays
detailed help for a specific command. Commands, clauses, table, and column
names are all case insensitive.
DEFAULT Sets all records in a table(s) to factory defaults.
DELETE Allows for records to be deleted from a table.
HELP Provides help for any SQL command or clause.
INFO Displays a variety of information about the tables in the database
INSERT Allows for new records to be inserted into a table.
SAVE Saves the database to non-volatile memory storage.
SELECT Queries the database and displays selected records.
UPDATE Allows for existing records in a table to be updated.
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