RuggedSwitch™ User Guide
View Ethernet Statistics Ethernet statistics provides a continuously updated (once per second) view of the
traffic on all ports.
Figure 52: Ethernet Statistics Menu
This traffic view is useful when the origin and destination of a traffic flow needs
to be determined. The ErrorPkts field provides a sum total of all the individual
sources of port errors as described in the Ethernet Port statistics menu.
View Ethernet Port Statistics Ethernet port statistics provide a continuously updated (once per second) detailed
view of the traffic on a single port.
Figure 53: Port Statistics Menu
This traffic view is useful when the exact source of error or traffic mix needs to be
determined. The statistics are as described in the following tables.
Cumulative Statistics of Packet/Byte Counts
InOctets This counter is incremented once for every data octet of good packets (Unicast
+ Multicast + Broadcast) received.
OutOctets This counter is incremented for every data octet of a transmitted good packet.
My Switch Ethernet Statistics Admin Access
Port State InOctets OutOctets InPkts OutPkts ErrorPkts
1 Up 53412 319576 47 519 0
2 Up 17600 15482 275 247 0
3 Down 0 0 0 0 0
4 Down 0 0 0 0 0
5 Down 0 0 0 0 0
6 Down 0 0 0 0 0
7 Down 0 0 0 0 0
8 Up 55068 70012 766 322 0
My Switch Ethernet Port Statistics Admin Access
Select Port: 3 Link Status:
Link Up
Speed 100
Duplex Full
InOctets 8436846 Collisions 0
OutOctets 38272361 LateCollisions 0
InPkts 40811 Pkt64Octets 137413
OutPkts 190282 Pkt65to127Octets 53701
TotalInOctets 8442416 Pkt128to255Octets 13792
TotalInPkts 40860 Pkt256to511Octets 5737
InBroadcasts 439 Pkt512to1023Octets 1540
InMulticasts 3391 Pkt1024to1536Octets 18959
CRCAlignErrors 0 DropEvents 0
OversizePkts 0 OutBroadcasts 25259
Fragments 0 OutMulticasts 119281
Jabbers 0 UndersizePkts 0
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