Chapter 3 – Configuring the Ports
• Port Latency: 10 Mbps - 16µs + frame time, 100 Mbps - 5µs + frame time
Port Applications Port Security
Port Security provides the ability to filter or accept traffic from specific MAC
Port Security works by inspecting the source MAC addresses of received frames
and validating them against the contents in the Static MAC Address Table (See
Chapter 2 - Configuring MAC Address Management). Una uthorized frames will be
filtered and, optionally, the port that receives the frame shutdown permanently or
for a period of time. An alarm will be raised indicating the unauthorized MAC
addres s (See Chapter 8 – Diagnostics).
Unicast frames to unknown destination addresses will not be flooded through
secure ports.
The switch can also be programmed to learn and allow the first source MAC
address encountered on the port. This feature provides a convenient means for
network administrators to “capture” the appropriate secure addresses when
turning up a port. The MAC address will be permanently added to the Static MAC
Address Table.
Port security is applied at the edge of the network in order to restrict admission to
specific devices. Do not apply port security on core switch connections or where traffic types such
as RSTP or IGMP are active.
Broadcast Rate Limiting
Broadcast rate filtering provides a means to limit the rate of broadcast frames
accepted by each port.
Broadcast rate filtering limits the severity of broadcast storms.
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