Table Of Contents
Time Zone The time zone setting allows for the conversion of UTC (Universal Coordinated
Time) to local time.
NTP Server Address This parameter specifies the IP address of the NTP (Network Time Protocol)
server used to set the on-board real time clock. Programming an address of
“” disables the use of NTP. The current time setting will be overwritten at
every NTP sync time interval, as specified by the NTP update period parameter.
If your RuggedSwitch
is not equipped with a real time clock, NTP is the only
mechanism for obtaining the time after a start up.
NTP Update Period This parameter determines how frequently the time is updated from the NTP
server. If the update attempt fails the switch will make two more attempts (at one-
minute intervals) after which an alarm is generated. The programmed update rate
will then be resumed.
RuggedCom 7