Serial Communications
Runco VX-4000d/VX-5000d Owner’s Operating Manual 65
Miscellaneous Commands
BKGND -100/100 YES Sets the background color for 4:3 aspect
ratio (-100 = black; 100 = white)
BKGND? NA NA Returns background setting value
DATE? NA NA Returns projector manufacture date
HDINPUTRES NA YES Sets YPbPr input resolution and refresh
rate for HD1/HD2, as follows:
0 = 480i
1 = 480p
2 = 576i
3 = 576p
4 = 720p / 60 Hz
5 = 1080i / 60 Hz
6 = 720p / 50 Hz
7 = 1080i / 25 Hz
Any other value = Auto
HWVER? NA NA Returns hardware version number
INRES? NA NA Returns input resolution
LENS1 0 or 4 YES Set primary lens configuration:
0 = No anamorphic lens present
4 = Anamorphic lens present
LENS1? NA NA Returns Lens 1 configuration
LENS2 0 or 8 YES Set anamorphic lens type:
0 = Fixed CineWide
8 = CineWide with AutoScope
LENS2? NA NA Returns Lens 2 configuration
OUTRES 0/5 YES Sets output resolution, as follows:
0 = 480i
1 = 576i
2 = 480p
3 = 576p
4 = 720p
5 = 1080i
OUTRES? NA NA Returns output resolution
RGBNN NA NA Sets output color space to RGB with
negative horizontal and vertical sync
RGBPP NA NA Sets output color space to RGB with
positive horizontal and vertical sync
RGBS NA NA Sets output color space to RGB with
composite sync
Table 6-1. Serial Commands (continued)
Command Parameter
Stored? Description