Look’n feel
Back Select
Look’n feel
Back Select
This menu allows you to display the background picture you want on your phone.
On the Look’n feel menu, please select the Wallpapers menu and Select.
Select the Wallpaper and Visualise. The picture appears in the background of the screen.
Press the | key to validate this choice, or the | key to go back to |
choice. |
This menu allows you to display an animation when the phone is in standby mode.
On the Look’n feel menu, please select the Screensavers menu and Select.
Select one of the screensavers given and Visualise.
The chosen screensaver appears on the screen, validate it.
Adjust the screensaver display time (more than 60 seconds) and validate. The screensaver comes on the screen each time the display time that has been selected runs off.