Energy saving
Energy savi.
Back Select
Short cuts
Back Select
This function is used to deactivate the screen backlight and to select the economic mode.
On the Others menu, please select the Energy saving menu and Select.
Backlight: choose one of the options given: Deactivate, Full backlight, Screen only, and validate.
By deactivating the screen backlight, you increase the battery life of your phone.
Warning: display legibility is reduced.
Economic mode: choose one of the options given: Partial, Deactivate, Complete, and validate.
When choosing the economic mode, the screen goes out (standby mode). To quit economic mode, press the key.
This menu allows you to allocate functions to the programmable keys.
This menu allows you to customize the settings of your phone to make it as convenient as possible for you to use.
On the Settings menu, please select the Shortcuts menu and Select.
Select the key that you wish to modify and validate.
Choose the function that you want to allocate to this key and validate.